
The Canadian-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce was established in 2025. The Chamber strengthens and maintains trade relations between Canada and Iceland, as well as strengthening co-operation in the fields of education and culture.

The Chamber is a network of companies, institutions

and individuals and is a platform for communication with the public sector. The Chamber is a forum for publicly discussing matters of interest in Canadian and Icelandic trade, as well as for transferring knowledge, policies and currents in matters concerning the foreign affairs of Canada.

The Canadian-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce organizes meetings and conferences concerning the general affairs of the two countries and safeguards the business-related interests of its members vis-à-vis the Canadian and Icelandic authorities.



Board Members:

The Canadian-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce (CAIS)

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð

105 Reykjavík